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Welcome to Milby Primary School

Inspire - Learn - Succeed

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Curriculum intent

At Milby Primary School, our curriculum is thoughtfully designed and planned in order to achieve the following aims:


  • Encourage curiosity, creativity and a love of learning, through a broad range of topics that are relevant and interesting to pupils
  • Develop resilience and a growth mindset so that pupils are confident to fail and try again as part of their learning
  • Provide a solid grounding in the ‘basics’, especially reading, writing and maths

Health and well-being

  • Support positive physical and mental health so pupils value their own and other people’s unique characteristics, interests and talents
  • Ensure all pupils know they have the right to be safe, to identify and manage risks, and how to ask for help or support when needed
  • Develop strategies to deal with the day-to-day ups and downs of school and family life, whilst understanding what is and is not acceptable


  • Establish and maintain positive relationships including: sharing and turn taking, appropriate behaviour and play, getting on and falling out, politeness and good manners
  • Express themselves appropriately and show respect towards others
  • Strive to be truthful, honest and fair, understanding all actions have consequences


  • Visit a broad range of places to deepen pupils’ knowledge and understanding of spiritual, cultural, historical and contemporary life in Britain
  • Take part in a range of performances and competitive events to showcase pupils’ skills and learning including sports, art and music
  • Mark significant dates and events to enhance pupils’ understanding of different beliefs, cultures and faiths


  • Encourage pupils to take an active role as part of our Milby family, taking on responsibilities so they grow in confidence, maturity and independence
  • Gain a sense of our place in the world and the issues that affect different communities within the UK and abroad, including: poverty, famine, recycling, pollution, displacement, equality and inclusion
  • Know about key events, people and places within our local community