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Year 3

Year 3 news


The year 3 team for 2024/25 consists of Mr Letts (3G) and Mrs Nagra (3H).  We are ably supported by Mrs Grimstead and Mrs Randle.


Year 3 PE days will be Monday and Thursday during the first spring term.  The children will visit the library on a Wednesday with Mrs Grimstead.


Having become experts in the history of prehistoric Britain, we are now excited to begin our geography journey in the spring term.  We start close to home, considering settlements in the UK.  From vibrant villages to crowded cities, there is lots to learn about!  The children will pore over OS maps and ponder which human and physical features our area might share with New Delhi.  A big focus will be on land use - what was the land beneath our feet used for before someone built Milby Primary School?!


Later in the spring term, we will move on to the explosive topic of volcanoes.  With their destructive powers, awe-inspiring eruptions and looming presence, these fiery fiends will certainly grab the attention of 3G and 3H during spring 2.  The children will discover how the Earth is constructed and how this links to the formation of mountains and volcanoes.  We will debate the positive and negative effects of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, as well as finding out about the people who actually live on or near active volcanoes!


Why not find out a few facts to impress your teacher?  Mr Letts and Mrs Nagra love it when people share their knowledge! 

Gather some fun facts about volcanoes in readiness for spring 2 by following this link: Volcanoes


Here are some information posters about the UK and Ireland.  Click the links below:

Curriculum Summary

Knowledge Organiser

This half term's homework

Homework is set on a Friday, and is due in the following Thursday.  Children should be reading to an adult at least three times per week for at least 15/20 minutes each time.  This must be recorded in your child's reading record.


In addition to this, the children can develop their skills with a range of websites and apps the school has subscribed to.  The children should be regularly practising their times tables knowledge through TTRockstars. In addition, you could play Hit the Button online or download the White Rose Maths app.


To support our pupils with their spelling abilities, all children have been given login information for EdShed. Online books, with a range of opportunities to develop reading and inference skills, can be accessed through Bug Club.


Learning showcase

Soil sample investigation 

There were many busy hands and the odd shriek of excitement recently in year 3, as the children got hands-on with exploring soil samples taken from our school site.  With tweezers and magnifying glasses at the ready, the children discovered the plethora of treasures found within soil.  We even found a worm!!

Healthy snack bar taste-testing

On Friday afternoon, the excitement was palpable as the children engaged in some taste-testing during their first DT lesson of Key Stage Two.  In order to prepare for designing and making their own healthy snack bar in a few weeks, the children were able to test out some bars already on the market.  It wasn't all plain sailing though, as they had to comment on each bar's appearance, smell, taste and texture ... and the word 'nice' was banned!  The children had a wonderful time and now have a good idea of what works and doesn't work when it comes to creating a snack bar.

Rock detectives!

Year 3 were leaving no stone unturned this afternoon, using magnifying glasses and syringes to investigate different rock samples.  They tested chalk, marble, slate, sandstone and granite to find out how hard the rocks were, how the rocks reacted to acid rain (vinegar!) and whether the rocks were permeable or impermeable.  Mrs Nagra and Mr Letts using a hammer to demonstrate how crumbly chalk can be was also quite awe-inspiring for many!

Higham Lane musical Christmas concert rehearsal

Year 3 had a wonderful afternoon watching the rehearsals for the Higham Lane Christmas concert.  They enjoyed all of the live performances, especially the performance on the drum kit!  We would like to thank Mrs Davenport, her team and all the HLS children involved, for creating a memorable experience for our children. 

Bollywood dance routine

As part of their weekly PE lessons with Mrs Nagra, year 3 have been learning about traditional Indian dancing ... Bollywood!  They had to work very hard to master the timing, synchronicity and tricky choreography.  What a fantastic job they have done!  We hope you enjoy our Bollywood-inspired routine.

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Christmas craft afternoon

Year 3 are rocking around the Christmas tree as I type, enjoying their Christmas craft afternoon courtesy of Friends of Milby.  With jingle bells chiming, they created and decorated a range of festive crafts.  Plenty of singalongs are taking place at the same time ... so it may not be a silent night!

Prehistoric artists

A tremendous afternoon was afoot in year 3 recently, as the children had the opportunity to become prehistoric artists.  They started off by mark-making with charcoal, soil, berries, cinnamon and ginger, which they used to create colourful smears in their sketchbooks.  After investigating the best resources to use, it was time to craft their own 'cave wall' as a canvas: couscous, lentils and quinoa were glued onto a cardboard strip to make a textured surface.  Later on, the children were tasked with mixing flour and water into a paste, and then adding some special ingredients to make prehistoric paint.  This was then liberally applied to their canvas in readiness for step two next week!  Everyone was beaming with excitement and thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon of artistic experimentation.  Well done!

Stone Age Settlers - Compton Verney visit ๐Ÿชจ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ›–

On Friday 25th October, year 3 were lucky enough to finish their half term with a bang ... they travelled to Compton Verney in Warwick for a 'Stone Age Settlers' experience day!  The children had great fun while they were creating sparks, making Stone Age dough bread and building a wattle and daub fence.  They loved using their knowledge and skills from history lessons when investigating Stone Age artefacts, also enjoying the chance to design their own cave art and craft a clay thumb pot or necklace.


The staff at Compton Verney were very impressed with the children's knowledge of prehistoric Britain and their behaviour and listening skills.  Well done Team 3!  We hope you enjoy the pictures of our awe-inspiring day below.

How long ago was the Stone Age? ๐Ÿงป

At the beginning of our exciting Stone Age Britain topic, the children loved using toilet rolls to demonstrate how long ago prehistory actually was.  With each sheet of toilet paper representing 1000 years of time, the children made some excellent guesses as to when the Stone Age took place.  They were astonished by how many years we had to go back...!  Check out this picture of 3H's historical journey.

Making muscles ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ 

The children enjoyed creating working models of their own hands in science last week.  After learning about how muscles contract and relax to move our bones, they used straws and string to create a moving index finger.  The children enjoyed this creative opportunity and worked hard to conquer problems as they arose.  Here are some pictures of 3G creating their hand muscle models.

Year 3 and 4 spellings list - based on the National Curriculum

Long term overview 2024-2025

Writing key objectives

Maths key objectives
