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Year 3

Year 3 news


The year 3 team for 2023/24 consists of Mr Letts (3G) and Mrs Rowstron (3H) and our teaching assistants are Mrs Grimstead, Mrs Short and Mrs Tailor (3G/3H), Mrs Holmes, Miss Tenchio and Miss Harris (3G) and Miss Fazackerley (3H).


Year 3 PE days will be Monday and Tuesday during the summer term.


In this exciting final term of the academic year, our young people will kickstart their new history topic with an Egyptian Day!  After that, the children will explore the Egyptian writing system, job roles and the pharaoh Hatshepsut.  Towards the end of year 3, the children will concentrate on the UK during geography, using their knowledge from Key Stage One to support them with discovering new information about national rivers, cities, counties and much more! 


Want to get ahead of the game? You can check out some fun facts about the Ancient Egyptians here: Ancient Egyptians

Do you know the difference between a city and a county?  The UK and Great Britain?  And what about the British Isles?!  Follow the link: The United Kingdom

Curriculum Summary

Knowledge Organiser

This half term's homework

Homework is set on a Friday, and is due in the following Thursday.  Children should be reading to an adult at least three times per week for at least 15/20 minutes each time.  This must be recorded in your child's reading record.


In addition to this, the children can develop their skills with a range of websites and apps the school has subscribed to.  The children should be regularly practising their times tables knowledge through TTRockstars. In addition, you could download the White Rose Maths app.

To support our pupils with their spelling abilities, all children have been given login information for EdShed. Online books, with a range of opportunities to develop reading and inference skills, can be accessed through Bug Club.


Learning showcase

Visit from Reverend Chris 

We were very lucky to welcome Rev. Chris Routledge from St. Nicolas Church today, to visit the children from year 3.  He spoke to the children about his role as a vicar, our local church and how holy communion works.  He even brought along a model of St. James’ Church for the children to look at.  The children asked probing questions and showed themselves in a wonderful light. 

Year 3 school councillors

Our newly elected school councillors received their badges in assembly today and will be carrying out the task of being learning detectives. Their current task in class will involve them looking out for children who are demonstrating our school learning behaviours for collaboration. 

Writing and performing a ballad

The children have been working extremely hard on their 'Ballads' unit of work, in music over the past five weeks. After learning about the features of a ballad, the children watched the animation Soar. Using this animation they worked in small groups to write their own lyrics to match their given part of the story. We then worked collaboratively to bring the verses and chorus together. Today, the children started to sing their lyrics to a chosen melody. Please click the links below to view year 3’s performances of their own ballads. We hope you enjoy it, as the children are very proud of their work in music.   

3H ballad

3G ballad

Clay Ankh crosses 

The children were thrilled to find out this week that our art unit for this half-term is closely linked to our history theme of Ancient Egypt.  To begin with, year 3 have developed their clay skills by sculpting clay ankh crosses, an Egyptian symbol which represents life.  After becoming used to the texture of the clay, some beautiful crosses were made!

STEM Day 🧑ðŸŧ‍ðŸ”ŽðŸ“ąðŸ‘·ðŸŧðŸ§Ū

The fun continues in year 3 this week, as on Wednesday 10th April the children took part in STEM Day (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).  Our day revolved around building and testing a catapult, and then collecting and displaying the results from this investigation. 
Pictures of our STEM day are shared below.

Egyptian Day 📜

Tuesday 9th April was our Ancient Egyptian Day, where all year 3 children had the chance to come dressed in an Egyptian-styled outfit and take part in sessions led by Historic Workshops.

The children learned all about the Ancient Egyptians, including Egyptian artefacts, cities, scribes, games and mummification!

We are pleased to share some pictures of our day below.

Poetry performance 

We had a great time in year 3, performing some poetry by Joseph Coelho.  We focused on our intonation and tone, and loved the chance to read aloud to an audience!  Check out some of our poem performances below!

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Hockey heroes 🏑

3G loved the chance to practise their hockey skills this week, and showed that they have really got to grips with passing, aiming and dribbling the hockey ball. 

Higham Lane Concert  ðŸŽķ 🎄

Year 3 pupils were extremely lucky to be invited to Higham Lane School at the end of December, to attend a rehearsal for their Christmas Concert.  After a quick walk to the school, the children were enraptured by the range of musical talent on display.  They heard soloists, duets, vocalists, pianists, drummers, guitarists and even a full orchestra!  To add to the experience, the children were introduced to a range of orchestral instruments (can the children remember the difference between a violin and a viola!).  With music from 'The Snowman', James Bond film 'Skyfall' and some traditional carols, our pupils were spoiled for choice when it came to picking a favourite.  The year group behaved wonderfully, and were a credit to our school.  

Fascinating fossils ðŸĶ•ðŸĶī

Over the last fortnight, the children have been learning how fossils form over time.  After exploring the six key steps in this process, the children had the chance to create their own dinosaur fossils using playdoh.  They had great fun and enjoyed sculpting their new 'dino' friends!  

Un, deux, trois!  ðŸ‡Ŧ🇷

You would never know that the children have only been learning French for a few weeks.  Everyone has been trying so hard with their pronunciation and the children have soaked up lots of key vocabulary like sponges!  This week, we were practising our speaking skills with the numbers 1-10.  

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Super Soil 🔍

Recently, year 3 were becoming soil scientists by using tweezers and magnifying glasses to explore the components of soil.  They absolutely loved sifting through the dirt and showing off their discoveries.  Many rocks, twigs and roots were found, along with a handful of wriggly worms and even a leaf insect!  To finish off, the children completed the ‘shaking soil’ experiment using jars and water.  Everyone had a great time and thankfully there wasn’t too much soil on the carpet!

Scientific sweets  ðŸŽ

What a start to year 3!  Everyone has settled in beautifully and the children are working hard.  As a fun start to our science topic ('Rocks, Soils and Fossils'), the children had to group different sweets to compare their properties.  They then linked this learning to the properties of rocks.  Unfortunately, no sweets were eaten this time!  Enjoy having a glance through some of the photos from this exciting lesson.

Writing key objectives

Maths key objectives

Year 3 and 4 spellings list - based on the National Curriculum

Long term overview 2023-2024
