Year 5
Year 5 news
The year 5 team for 2024/25 consists of Mrs Rowstron (5K) and Miss Cox (5L).
Year 5 PE days will be Tuesday and Friday during the spring term.
Homework is set every Friday and should be returned to school by the following Thursday.
This half term’s homework
Curriculum summary
Knowledge organiser
Reading and spelling
In addition to the weekly spellings, each child has their own Spelling Shed account.
To support our children to read regularly each week, online books (with a range of opportunities to develop reading and inference skills) can be accessed through Bug Club.
Learning showcase
Whole class instrumental lessons - keyboards
Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime - 10.01.25
Christmas crafts with Friends of Milby
Science - Making solutions
To continue our learning about mixtures and separation in science, we moved onto solutions today. We made different mixtures and worked scientifically to observe changes, noting down whether the mixture was soluble or insoluble. This helped us to identify solutions.
Art and design - I need space
In art and design, the children have combined their drawing skills with their print making skills to create a futuristic image. The children crafted their own collagraph plates before printing textured backgrounds, which they then used to draw onto. Using a range of media, the children drew out of this world images of the future!
Science - mixtures and separation (sieving)
We are currently learning about mixtures and separation in science. Since experimenting with mixtures, we moved onto sieving today. Now we can define the term sieving, describe how sieving separates mixtures and determine when it is more effective to use sieving or magnetism to separate a mixture.
PE - tag rugby
The children have been thoroughly enjoying their PE lessons on our new playground. They are now able to explain the role of a defender in a competitive game, tag opposition players in isolation and apply basic defensive positions in a game.
Year 5 and 6 spelling list
Long term overview