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Year 6

Welcome to year 6


The year 6 teaching team for 2024/25 consists of Mrs Maddox (6M) and Miss Gudgeon (6N). Our year group is greatly supported by: Mrs Billa-Patel, Miss Gospel and Mrs McGrevey.


PE lessons take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Homework is set for both classes each Friday.


In their history lessons this half term, the children are going to be delving into life during WW2.  As part of this fascinating topic, the children will be learning about how British lives were turned upside-down during the Battle of Britain.  Additionally, they will consider what life was like for evacuees.


If you want to find out more about this fascinating historical topic, use the links below:


Homework (14.02.25 - 28.02.25)

Milby Read-athon

Maths Ninja - 16 weeks to SATs - arithmetic help

There are 16 weeks until the year 6 children sit their SATs test.  Every day, children in year 6 practise arithmetic skills to help prepare them for the arithmetic test.  A man called Andrew (the creator of Maths Ninja) will be running 16 weeks of video sessions to help children further develop skills to support them in improving their knowledge and confidence.  Each week, he will be uploading a new video to YouTube, which the children can watch and take part in.


Please find below a link to the website, and a link to the his first video, which introduces the upcoming weekly videos:

Curriculum summary - spring 1

Knowledge organisers - spring 1 - history and science

Autumn learning

Year 6 have achieved so many wonderful learning outcomes across the autumn term so far.  Some particular highlights include: making sculptures of different vertebrates as part of science; using charcoal to show the stark contrast lighting can make on an image; using glockenspiels to produce their own compositions; collaborating to produce different balances in PE and also designing their own maps in history after learning about important features and buildings in Ancient Maya.

Reading at home

Regular reading at home has a huge impact on children's overall academic and personal growth.  This is because reading supports many areas of the curriculum and gives children opportunities to see different perspectives, settings and character experiences.  Whether they are losing themselves in a fiction text, or broadening their knowledge and horizons with a piece of non-fiction, reading can be both pleasurable and informative.  


Because of the power that reading has, we encourage regular weekly reading.  When you listen to your child read, it is truly beneficial if you ask questions to support their ability to retrieve and comprehend the information that they are reading.  Ensuring that children understand what they are reading helps them not only in school, but in their own lives.  Reading can have a long-lasting personal, social and emotional positive impact.


All children have a Bug Club account which they can access at home.  It has a vast library of texts for the children to choose from and read.  Additionally, it provides comprehension questions for them to answer as they go through the book.  You can access Bug Club using the following link: 


Furthermore, you can access free resources and advice from Oxford Owl using the following link: 


Finally, on Purple Mash (which children can access at home using the link) children can click on the 'reading' section near the top of the page to access free books from DK Publishers, or use the Serial Mash to access a wide range of books and again answer comprehension questions as they go.

Maths practice

Regular practice of key maths skills helps children to grow in confidence and secure the foundational elements of maths.  Below are some resources that your child might find useful and enjoyable in supporting them to further develop their knowledge: 

Additionally, children can access Purple Mash using and then they can choose the maths heading and utilise the various topics, games and quizzes.

Homework support

There are times when certain elements of children's homework might be confusing for both children and parents.  There are a couple of websites that you might find useful in such situations:


Additionally, if your child has found certain elements of their homework especially tricky, they can always seek additional support from their class teacher.  We ask that children let us know by Wednesday if there are any questions that they would like us to help them with.  This is to ensure that there is enough time to have completed it before homework is marked on Friday.

Spelling practice support

There will sometimes be games available for the children to access via the Spelling Shed website.  Children have already been given their logins, and they will be told which weeks they can access additional games to play to support them as they practice their weekly spellings. 


Spelling Shed website

Spelling Shed "how to" guide

Writing key objectives

Maths key objectives

Curriculum spelling list (Y5-6)
