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Year 6

Welcome to year 6


The year 6 teaching team for 2023/24 consists of Miss Horsfall (6M) and Miss Gudgeon (6N). 


PE lessons take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Homework is set for both classes each Friday.


In their geography lessons this half term, the children are going to be learning all about sustainability.  As part of this fascinating topic, the children will be able to consider: what sustainability is, how different cities around the world are trying to make sustainable choices and why this matters for the longevity of the whole world.


If you want to find out more about this fascinating geographical topic, use the link below:  


Condover Hall - 2024

Thursday 20th June

Everywhere I looked this morning, tired eyes could be seen.  We had a slightly earlier breakfast time today, so we decided to delay the morning room inspections for later.  The children had a quick wash, brushed their teeth and got themselves ready for their favourite part of the morning: breakfast.  Today’s feast included: bacon, scrambled eggs, baked beans, toast and as always an array of cereals.  Additionally, after they realised how good the yoghurt tastes and learning about how it is full of gut-friendly bacteria, most children added a small bowl of yoghurt to their trays.  Following a big refuel, the children tidied their rooms ready for inspection.  This went exceptionally well this morning, and some very high scores were given.  The effort that many of the children have put into the process has been superb.  Once the points had been awarded, it was time to head off for the morning activities.

Groups 2 and 4 joined together for the aerial trek.  The leaders were utterly astounded and very proud as every single child pushed through their nerves and travelled round the raised track.  The children absolutely loved going through the various obstacles and finding different ways to traverse the track. Well done everybody!  Group 2 then went to the archery field to channel their inner Robin Hood.  One boy commented: “It was really good.  We all had the opportunity to fire arrows at the targets.  It wasn’t easy, but I managed to get mine into the red zone!”  Group 4 went onto the low ropes.  They had to work together to travel across the course without spilling their water.  Let’s just say that some were very skilled at losing their water rather than keeping it in the water tube.

Group 1 started their day on the target field and were excited to fire their arrows.  Many of the children managed to hit the target, however, there were also quite a few arrows that went off course and found their way into the grass.  The laughter, smiles and words of encouragement from each other was heart-warming.

Group 3’s first activity was the low ropes course.  I’m not completely certain that all of the children fully understood the instructions about trying not to spill the water.  When I popped by to see how things were going (which was near the beginning of the course), some children had completely poured away all of their water.  One child said, “Nah…my aim was to be the first one to get rid of the water, so…I win!”  Groups 1 and 3 then ambled across the field towards the aerial trek tower.  Initially, we had quite a few nervous children; some of them refused to go at first.  However, within no time at all, they were harnessed up and travelling through the air.  One child stated: “It was really fun because it was basically an obstacle course up in the air.  I was really scared at the beginning, but then I realised how much fun it was.” Another child said, “I was absolutely terrified at the beginning, but after I’d completed the course once, I wanted to do it again…so I did!”

Lunchtime brought a lot of smiles to many faces.  The feast included an incredible choice of: BBQ pulled pork tacos, crispy chicken nuggets, vegetable fingers or a vegetarian crispy taco – all of which were served with a choice of fries, steamed vegetables and a deliciously fresh salad bar.  Once again, the children then enjoyed tucking into some refreshing melon and fruit.  After the children had finished inhaling their food and tidying their tables, it was time for a short rest before their next round of activities.

Groups 1 and 4 were excited to have a turn on the climbing wall.  Every child had a go and pushed themselves.  There were some brilliant sounds and songs coming from the children whenever somebody reached the top.  My personal favourite was when one child arrived at the summit, and we all broke out in unison to sing the classic Backstreet Boys song: I Want It That Way!  It was a proud moment.  Group 1 then went to tackle the low ropes course.  In all honesty, it was a bit chaotic to begin with as the children initially struggled with their teamwork skills.  However, after a rousing speech and an opportunity to dance like a chicken, the children came together and showed absolutely outstanding teamwork skills.  It was genuinely a joy to behold.  As one child walked away from the activity, he said, “That was my favourite activity this week!”  Group 4’s final activity before dinner was archery.  As one child put it: “I got aim!”  My interpretation of that statement was that they successfully hit the target.

Group 2’s first afternoon activity was the low ropes.  The children sometimes found themselves in some interesting and at times uncomfortable positions as they attempted to traverse the course, but they worked really well as a team and had lots of laughter and smiles.

Group 3 went to the field to shoot some arrows.  They enjoyed playing “the holiday game”.  This is where (depending on which colours you hit with your three arrows) you get to find out where you’re going on holiday, how you’re traveling there and who you’re going with.  Unfortunately for some of them, it turns out that they’re going on holiday to Australia, in a hot air balloon with me!  Groups 3 and 2 then arrived at the climbing wall.  So many children were whooping and cheering for each other.  One child said afterwards, “I managed to get half way.  I’ll be honest, I was aiming to go a bit higher, but it ended up being bigger and harder than I realised.  In the end, I was really proud of how far I did get.”  Another successful activity proving the importance of challenge and perseverance.

It was then time to head off to the “restaurant” for their final dinner.  Tonight’s magnificent options were an absolute banger (pun intended): high-quality sausages with onion gravy and Yorkshire pudding; crispy, battered cod goujons (super fancy fish fingers) or vegan sausages.  Dessert was the ultimate lip-licking challenge: jam doughnuts.

For their final evening activity, the children are currently taking part in a series of wide games.  As I look across the field in front of me, they are all running around with their teams and having a sensational time completing different challenges.  Hopefully, tonight will involve lots of sleep and pleasant dreams. 

We hope that you have found these daily updates informative and entertaining.  We do however look forward to returning tomorrow as we (children and staff alike) are all missing our people, beds and home comforts.  Take care one and all, and we will see you soonish.

Wednesday 19th June

Well, I am delighted to report that the majority of children were asleep by 11:30pm – we had a lot of extremely tired children yesterday.  In addition to this, the children were treated to a lie in: we did not start the wake up process until 7:15am!  Room inspections went incredibly well for the girls; the boys…not so much today!  The children readied themselves for breakfast and tucked into some of the delightful following options: mushrooms, scrambled eggs, baked beans, toast, an array of cereals, yoghurts and fresh fruit and most importantly of all...a freshly baked pain-au-chocolat  (this went down very well with every child). Once satisfied that they had had their fill, the children headed off to their morning activities.

Groups 1 and 3 went to the netball courts to develop their fencing skills: some very important skills to have should they ever find themselves in a duel.  Many of the children showed a real flare when it came to the different moves needed for attacking and defending themselves.  Group 1 then departed for the field to use another battle skill – archery tag.  A lot of fun was had when they started firing their cushioned arrows at each other.  Group 3 headed off into the woods to complete the sensory trail.  They came back beaming and absolutely covered in mud!

Group 2 started their day on the sensory trail.  The shouts, screams and laughter were always fun to hear as the children ambled their way through the tunnels and across the unknown and often slippery trail. After a quick wash and change, the children headed off towards the abseiling wall.  This is always a challenging moment for many children as they stand at the top of a giant tower and have to make the decision to trust the instructor and the rope.  They are always pleased to learn that the ropes can hold the weight of an elephant.

Group 4’s day began at the abseiling wall.  A quick quote from one child: “Abseiling was absolutely amazing!  The woman leading it said I was a natural.”  Well, there you have it folks…a winning activity.  The children then had their turn to pick up a fencing foil and battle it out on the netball court. 

After a packed morning, it was time for lunch.  They could choose from either: pulled pork and stuffing batches; outrageously tasty jerk chicken or a roasted cauliflower steak – all of which were served with a choice of either: scrumptious potato puffs, rice with black beans and as always a well-stocked salad bar.  Furthermore, everyone loved digging into fresh fruit and slices of refreshing honeydew melon.  They then all readied themselves for their next round of activities.

Groups 1 and 2 had a whale of a time at the lake.  They started off with a short training session on how to sit in the kayaks and use the paddles before a briefing about safety.  Then, it was time for the children to partner up and get paddling in their kayaks.  Let’s just say, some children were brilliant at steering, whilst others clearly enjoyed spending time amongst the reeds – this may or may not have tickled both the children and adults.  They then had an opportunity to take a dip in the lake.  After a quick dry and change, group 1 spent the rest of their afternoon at the abseiling wall.  A lot of fears were conquered today.  Group 2 dashed to the field to take part in archery tag.  They loved being able to fire arrows at each other and not get told off for doing it.

Group 3’s first activity of the afternoon was abseiling.  Watching the children attempt to assume the appropriate positions for abseiling was at times rather humorous.  It’s not the most natural of positions, but they all eventually got the hang of it and had a great time overcoming some of their fears of heights.

Group 4 went to the field to take their turn at archery tag.  The air above the battlefield was alive with flying arrows.  The children’s fierce determination to beat their opponents was brilliant to behold.  Group 4 and 3 then traversed to the lake: a beautiful, peaceful place...until you place 26 children on it in kayaks.  Kitted out in their safety gear, the children had a brilliant time working out the best way to safely travel across the waters.  Some children may, or may not have capsized.  The laughter that was blaring out across the lake was joyous.  They then loved getting an opportunity to cool off by exiting their kayaks and plunging into the refreshing water.

Dinner tonight continued the excellent theme of flavours from around the world.  The incredibly tasty options that the children could choose from were: Indian spiced chicken flatbread with raita and mango chutney; margarita pizza topped with basil oil or a tandoori paneer and vegetable kebab.  This was all served with an option of delicious sides: pilau rice, potato wedges, corn on the cob and a fresh salad bar.  Tonight’s delectable dessert: chocolate ice cream. Lip-smackingly good!

For their evening activity, the children are currently taking part in a giant run-around quiz to help burn off the last of their energy…hopefully!  

Tuesday 18th June

All things considered, that was not the worst night of sleep; your good wishes certainly helped!  Thankfully, most children were asleep by around 12am and some even by 11:30pm – that is a win!  However, this may have been partly due to the fact that the children were not looking forward to the 7am breakfast, with a 6:40am knock on their door. That being said, the children were delighted as they tucked into a choice of bacon, vegetarian sausages, scrambled eggs, baked beans, toast and a variety of yoghurts, fruits and cereals.  After they got their fill, the children returned to their accommodation to prepare for their busy, first full day at Condover Hall.

Groups 1 and 3’s first activity took them to the sports hall to take part in conquest.  Similar to laser quest, the children worked in teams (or sometimes they battled alone) to blast their opponents into oblivion.  Group 1 then headed to the large field to attempt their team challenges.  It was a little ropey at times, but they proved that they could excel as a team when they took their time and listened to each other – well done group 1.  Group 3 then traversed across the grounds to take on the trapeze tower.  Whilst there certainly were some wobbly legs, each child pushed themselves; many children managed to grasp hold of the beam – brilliant work team 3!

Group 2 started their day at the trapeze tower.  Lots of sweating foreheads, but also lots of confident ninja climbers!  What a fantastic rush of adrenaline to start the day!

Group 4 started their day by getting very dirty.  They travelled into the woods to make their way through the sensory trail.  Water, mud, blindfolds and a challenging trail all combined to make a fun-filled activity.  After a quick change of clothes, groups 2 and 4 had their turn in the conquest maze.  Faces were beaming and sweat was forming as the children sprinted, dodged and fired their weapons. 

After a morning of intense moments, it was time to refuel.  They could choose from a scrumptious array of either: jacket potatoes, with either bbq chicken, tuna mayo or cheese and beans; a scrumptious sausage roll (not too dissimilar to the classic tasty high-street bakery chain’s best seller); or a vegan pasty – all served with delectable potato croquettes and a choice of baked beans and/or salad items.  All groups then took their turn in the gift shop and enjoyed replenishing their supplies of tasty treats and buying a couple of little things to bring home – well...some of them did.  After this, it was onto the next round of activities.

Groups 1 and 2 headed into the mansion to take on the laser maze and grid of stones.  For the laser maze, it was like something out of Mission Impossible as the children had to weave their bodies without tripping the lasers.  The grid of stones involved the children having to memorise an intricate pathway, which then quickly disappeared.  If you stepped on the wrong stone…dun, dun, dunnn! Group 1, to Miss Gudgeon’s delight, then travelled into the woods to take their turn at the sensory trail.  Extra water may, or may not have been included – the children were ecstatic about this! Group 2 then headed to the field to attempt their initiative exercises: a series of problems that involve you working together and thinking outside of the box. Some of the children in particular excelled at thinking of brilliant ways to achieve success for their team – well done group 2!

Group 3 began their afternoon with the initiative exercises.  They quickly realised that rushing through it was not going to help them achieve.  By the halfway point, they were really nailing their teamwork.

Group 4 were the final team to take on the trapeze tower.  It is always a joy to see each child attempt to conquer their fears.  For some, this involved them just making it to the top of the ladder, however, we were proud of each and every child who was willing to even give it a go.  Bravo group 4!  After this, groups 3 and 4 met in the mansion to take their turn at the laser maze and grid of stones.  Honestly, this would be a great game show on the TV!

After getting cleaned up, freshened up and back outside, the children headed off to the dinner hall.  Another fantastic set of meal options awaited them.  The children could choose from either: sweet and sour chicken with noodles, a scrumptious burger – with all the trimmings – or a spicy bean burger.  There was even freshly made cream of tomato soup that you could have as a starter – mmm, delicious!  For pudding tonight, the children were all delighted as they were treated to a “yum yum”; smiles all round!

For tonight’s final activity of the day, the children all took part in a game of giant cluedo!  Currently, I am unaware as to who was behind the murder of the poor, innocent Billy Banana.  I remain hopeful that our young detectives will all sleep soundly tonight!  May the odds be ever in our favour!

Monday 17th June

What a fantastic start to our trip!  As we approached the vast gates of Condover Hall, the children cheered and whooped with excitement.  The wonderful staff greeted us and helped the children to take their luggage to their rooms.  Their version of “unpacking” leaves a little to be desired, but when they learn about our daily room inspections this will hopefully help them to make improvements.  After a period of settling in, the children waltzed off to their first activity.

Group 1 took on the terrifying challenge of the trapeze.  However, every child pushed themselves to new heights, and some of them even managed to grab hold of the bar after leaping off the tower.  We were so incredibly proud of their efforts.

Group 2’s first activity was fencing.  Before even putting on any of their protective gear or picking up any fencing foils the children learned and practiced a variety of movements that were needed for both defending and attacking.  After this, they prepared for battle: en garde!

Group 3 headed off to the field for a brilliant game of archery tag.  Firstly, they split into two teams before donning safety helmets.  Empty barrels formed a defensive barrier, whilst they attempted to fire cushioned arrows at their opposing team.  I must say, both Miss Horsfall and I were rather impressed with their aim and determination to “take out” their opponents.

Group 4 had to tackle the team challenges. It is always interesting to see how well they might work together.  Admittedly, it took them some practice, but they eventually learned that it is more beneficial to listen and take your time than it is to rush through.  For one of their challenges, they had to try to transport a tube of water; let’s just say that there was more water on the floor and their feet than in the tube for most of it.  However, the tennis ball challenge was where they really started to shine.

The children then went and had some chill-out time before heading off for dinner.  For tonight’s delectable feast, the children were treated to a choice of: classic beef bolognaise, ratatouille pasta, vegan spinach and macaroni “cheese” or honey and soy chicken drumsticks.  All of these tasty options were then served with a choice of sides: garlic bread, grated cheese, vegetable fried rice and green beans.  The dessert – oh what a treat!  Chocolate and oreo cheesecake or a delectable chocolate cake.

Once their bellies were suitably satisfied, the children headed off to the field to take part in their evening activity.  Working in their teams, they had to build a water balloon protection device.  Some teams were more successful than others.  After that, the winning team were allowed to splat their water balloon on the heads of the Condover leaders. :)

We are all hoping that tiredness will completely take over quickly when they go to bed.  Please send all your best wishes our way.

Homework (05.07.24 - 12.07.24)

Reading at home

Regular reading at home has a huge impact on children's overall academic and personal growth.  This is because reading supports many areas of the curriculum and gives children opportunities to see different perspectives, settings and character experiences.  Whether they are losing themselves in a fiction text, or broadening their knowledge and horizons with a piece of non-fiction, reading can be both pleasurable and informative.  


Because of the power that reading has, we encourage regular weekly reading.  When you listen to your child read, it is truly beneficial if you ask questions to support their ability to retrieve and comprehend the information that they are reading.  Ensuring that children understand what they are reading helps them not only in school, but in their own lives.  Reading can have a long-lasting personal, social and emotional positive impact.


All children have a Bug Club account which they can access at home.  It has a vast library of texts for the children to choose from and read.  Additionally, it provides comprehension questions for them to answer as they go through the book.  You can access Bug Club using the following link: 


Furthermore, you can access free resources and advice from Oxford Owl using the following link: 


Finally, on Purple Mash (which children can access at home using the link) children can click on the 'reading' section near the top of the page to access free books from DK Publishers, or use the Serial Mash to access a wide range of books and again answer comprehension questions as they go.

Learning fun

Year 6 had a lot of fun during their PE lessons.  In groups, they had been working on developing different balances that they could eventually put together to form a series of movements and balances.  There may have been a few tumbles along the way, but thankfully the mats were there to protect their fall.


In some recent PSHE lessons, the children had been considering what a democracy is.  They looked at some of the different ministers who make up the cabernet in the government.  The children then shared and voted on some different policies that they believed should be introduced. 


Knowledge organisers - geography and science

Curriculum summary - summer 2

Spelling practice support

There will sometimes be games available for the children to access via the Spelling Shed website.  Children have already been given their logins, and they will be told which weeks they can access additional games to play to support them as they practice their weekly spellings. 


Spelling Shed website

Spelling Shed "how to" guide

Year 6 long term overview

Writing key objectives

Maths key objectives

Curriculum spelling list (Y5-6)
