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Welcome to Milby Primary School

Inspire - Learn - Succeed

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Year 1

Welcome to year 1


The year 1 team for 2023/2024 consists of Mrs McCarthy and Mrs Witts (1C) and Miss Wonzeri (1D), along with our teaching assistants Miss Warner and Miss Barker. 

The science topic for this half term is plants.  During this topic, the children will identify and name common garden plants; name the structural parts of flowers and trees; and understand the life cycle of a plant.


During the geography topic for this half term, the children will be learning about seasides.  They will explore the different human and physical geographical features of the British coastline, making comparisons to Nuneaton.


Click on the knowledge organiser to see more about our science and geography topics. 



Curriculum summary

Knowledge organiser

Learning showcase  

The children in KS1 had a fantastic time at their Sports Day!  They enjoyed working as a team in the relay race, testing their balancing skills in the egg and spoon race and racing to the finish line during the 60 metres sprint.  Some children even had a go at our fun run, which saw them running through hoops wearing funny hats before running to the finish line.  It was a hot and exciting day for all, even the parents joined in! 

Year 1's visit to Coventry Transport Museum

Our history topic for Summer 2 is the development of transport. As a way to introduce the children to the topic we went on a trip Coventry's Transport Museum; were the children were able to see how cars, bikes and areoplanes have changed over time. 

Yummy Sandwiches

Year 1 have really enjoyed reading the The disgusting Sandwich so much so we decided to make our own disgusting sandwiches !

Home learning


Homework is set on a Tuesday, and is due in by the following Monday. 


Children should be reading to an adult at least three times per week for at least 15/20 minutes each time. Reading can take place with either the book sent home from school or an allocated book on your child's Bug Club. Each book must be recorded in your child's reading record, including any e-books.


Children are expected to read with an adult at home at least three times per week.  Children also have access to e-books via Bug Club using their personal log in details. 

Bug Club website


The children will also be sent home weekly spellings. In addition to this, the children will be provided with weekly spellings that will be tested on the following Monday. These spellings can be found on their weekly homework sheet.

In addition to the weekly spellings, each child has their own Spelling Shed account.  
Spelling Shed website

Spelling Shed parent how to guide



Learning showcase

Writing key objectives

Maths key objectives
