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Inspire - Learn - Succeed

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Year 2

Welcome to year 2


The year 2 team for 2023 - 2024 consists of Miss Cox (2E) and Miss Gill (2F).  


This half term, the children will be exploring schools in Victorian Britain.  The children will be discovering how schools have changed over time, investigating the features of a Victorian classroom before comparing them to a modern day classroom.  The children will recognise what schools were like in the past by stepping back in time and experiencing their own Victorian style classroom. 


The children will then be asked if they would prefer to go to school in the past or present?


If you would like to explore more with your children at home, follow these helpful links:

Knowledge organiser

Home learning


Homework is set on a Friday, and is due in by the following Thursday.  Children should be reading to an adult at least three times per week for at least 15/20 minutes each time.  Reading can take place with either the book sent home from school or an allocated book on your child's Bug Club.  Each book must be recorded in your child's reading record, including any e-books.


For your home learning tasks you are encouraged to access Spelling Shed to enhance and support your child's spelling practice at home.  In addition to this, apps such as Hit the Button and Times Table Rockstars can support with consolidating and securing number facts and knowledge. 

Weekly homework (due 27th June)

Learning showcase

This half term, the children have been learning all about healthy food choices and cooking different foods in science. The children used their knowledge of healthy eating to design and make a healthy, vegetable pizza! After spending the morning in the kitchen, they got to taste test their creations. 

The children in KS1 had a fantastic time at their Sports Day!  They enjoyed working as a team in the relay race, testing their balancing skills in the egg and spoon race and racing to the finish line during the 60 metres sprint.  Some children even had a go at our fun run, which saw them running through hoops wearing funny hats before running to the finish line.  It was a hot and exciting day for all, even the parents joined in! 

STEM Day 2024

The children in year 2 have enjoyed investigating, building and testing paper bridges for STEM day.  The children worked together in groups to research different bridges before using their findings to design and build their own out of a selection of materials.  The children used weights to test how much mass they could hold before collapsing. Some of the bridges held over 250g of weight! 

Composing melodies

In music, the children have been using letter notation to compose their own melodies. They have been working together to create short melodies on the glockenspiel before performing in front of the class.  

The children in year 2 enjoyed a day of learning all about the catastrophic events in the Great Fire of London.  They learned how to stitch clothes using a dutch weave; make scent bags to stay healthy; mould candle holders out of clay and use a quill and ink to write a letter to the King.  

Year 2 had a blast at the National Space Centre! They loved exploring the interactive exhibits and the 360 planetarium. The children spent the day gazing into space and learning all about the wonders of our solar system before climbing to the top of the rocket tower! 

Long term plan 2023-24

Writing key objectives

Maths key objectives

Curriculum spelling list
