Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
The year 4 team for 2024/25 consists of Mrs Leel (4I) and Mr Chadaway (4J) and our teaching assistants are Mrs Holder and Miss Fazackerley (1:1).
Year 4 PE days are Tuesday* and Friday.
*Please note, during the autumn term, children in 4I have swimming every Tuesday so will need their swimming kit.
Year 4 library day is Thursday
Autumn 2
This half term, Year 4 will be exploring the fascinating topic of Antarctica. The class will be looking at where it is in the world (according to its lines of latitude and longitude), it's climate zone, and the journey of Ernest Shackleton.
This webpage is designed to support your child's learning with useful links, resources, and information. It's also a great way to keep up to date with some of the exciting work and projects your child will be involved in this term. We look forward to sharing their progress with you!
Click on the long term plan, curriculum summary, knowledge organisers and useful homework links below to find out more.
Long term plan
Curriculum summary
Knowledge Organisers
Writing and maths key objectives
Home learning
Homework is set on a Friday, and is due in the following Thursday - their new spellings will be written at the front of their link book weekly. Children should be reading to an adult at least three times per week for at least 15/20 minutes each time. This must be recorded in your child's reading record.
In addition to this, the children can develop their skills with a range of websites and apps the school has subscribed to. To support our pupils with their learning at home, all children have been given individual logins for EdShed, Times Table Rock Stars and Bug Club. These logins have been glued into their link books. The links for these sites, along with some links for other useful web resources, have been included below for your convenience.
Maths Frame
Times Tables Rockstars
White Rose - 1 Minute Maths (app)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Year 4 national curriculum spelling list
Year 4 learning showcase
Welcome to the Year 4 Learning Showcase! Here, you can catch a glimpse of some of the exciting learning activities and special moments your children are experiencing. This space is designed to keep you connected with their progress, celebrate their achievements, and share the wonderful things happening in year 4. We're excited for you to be part of this journey!
Science - Switches in circuits
The children have been busy building circuits and experimenting with a range of switches. The children made their own switches and added them as a component to their circuit to see how they were used to make the bulb light up. The children were able to explain that the switches need to be 'on' so that the circuits are complete, enabling the bulbs to light up!
History - Romans
What a finale to our History topic on the Romans! The children were set a homework challenge to create a shield that we could then use in our learning to find out about how the formations used by the Roman army were instrumental in their success of the expansion of their empire. The children practiced some army drills (where the instructions were in Latin!), and arranged themselves in the Wedge and the Testudo (Latin for tortoise) formations. What a fantastic range of shields!
Art - Power Prints
The children showcased their learning from across this half term's Art unit by creating Power Prints inspired by their collages and wax-resistant drawings. In the lesson, they had fun experimenting with different printing techniques and got a little messy in the process!
School Visitor - RE
As part of our RE learning on Sikhism, Year 4 were very lucky to have a visitor of the Sikh faith who was able to tell us about the foundations of Sikhism. This complemented our learning really well and the children were able to ask very specific questions about what they had learned. The children sat brilliantly and listened to all the information that they were given!
Learning about human teeth (September 2024)
The children had great fun demonstrating their knowledge of human teeth in this modelling dough activity. Using a mirror they identified the incisors, canine, premolar and molar teeth in their mouths and had a go at creating a model of what they saw. Great work, year 4!