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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


The year 4 team for 2023/24 consists of Mrs Johnson (4I) and Mr Chadaway (4J) and our teaching assistants are Mrs Holder (1:1) and Mrs Short (1:1). 


Year 4 PE days are Tuesday and Friday.

Summer 2

This half term, the children will be learning about the Vikings  focusing on their lifestyle, Danelaw and their conflict with the Saxons.  Digging deeper into history, the children will use text drivers, artefacts and research why the Vikings came to Britain and where they originated from.


Through their two new text drivers, 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,' and, 'The Present,' the children will be considering the senses involved in a setting description  They will draw from their lived experience at Cadbury's World to write a truly mouth watering description of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Room.  Here, they will have ample opportunities to write across a range of genres - from writing a letter of complaint to a rags to riches narrative.


Click on the sites and knowledge organiser below to find out more.

Amazing Viking Facts for Kids - Vikings History for Kids - Viking Facts for Kids - Vikings for Kids

Curriculum summary

Knowledge Organisers

Home learning


Homework is set on a Friday, and is due in the following Thursday - their new spellings will be written at the front of their link book weekly.  Children should be reading to an adult at least three times per week for at least 15/20 minutes each time.  This must be recorded in your child's reading record.

In addition to this, the children can develop their skills with a range of websites and apps the school has subscribed to.  To support our pupils with their spelling abilities, all children have been given login information for EdShed where they can access a range of activities linked to their spelling homework.  Online books can be accessed through Bug Club.  Both links are included below for your convenience.

Maths Frame
Times Tables Rockstars

White Rose - 1 Minute Maths (app)

Bug Club (part of ActiveLearnPrimary)


This week's homework: 12.7.24 - 19.7.24

Use the year 3/4 common exception word mat to revise taught spellings this year.


Learning showcase

Exciting moments from year 4 will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take.  Please keep checking in, in order to see what the children have been up to!

Cadbury World (June 2024)

WOW, melted cups of delectable, delicious chocolate and toppings of our choice, a tour of the factory, a ride shooting ingredients and a hand out of two chocolate bars.  The children all thoroughly enjoyed their day sampling goods, watching the demonstrations and finding out more about how the chocolates are packaged and designed.  During their educational talk, the children were remarkable with their listening skills and quality questions.

STEM day (April 24)

As part of the children's STEM learning (Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics) the children were tasked to build a working steady hand game.  They explored ideas, planned their designs, worked with circuits and switches before making and testing their end product.  As you can see, the children all got stuck in and their designs were just fantastic.  They designed rollercoasters, Wembley stadium and even a space themed game.  We are very proud of how they turned out, well done year 4!

Science day (March 2024)


Another creative topic day in year 4 with plenty of scientific exploration and investigation work.  The children used a variety of components to create different simple and parallel circuits.  In addition, they discovered whether the direction each component  was facing made a difference too.  The children also enjoyed using their knowledge of electrical conductors and insulators to maker their own electrical switches.  In their second session, they explored the making of a candle through melting and how it actually melts.  To finish off their science learning on electricity, the children all had a go at making their own switches from different resources and tested whether they would work.

French Day (March 2024)

Bonjour parents, vos enfants se sont bien amusés à embrasser la culture française.


Hello parents, your children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves embracing the French culture.


They have participated in a wide range of activities.  Starting the day learning Frère Jacques and even singing it in a round - WOW.  Watch the video below to see how well they took on that challenge.  Using iPads and QR codes, they researched Paris and the French lifestyle, they compared London to Paris and then made their very own travel brochure to share their highlights on France.  During the day, they tasted four French delicacies: brie, a baguette and quiche while the fourth was baking in the oven - pain au chocolat.  'Fresh' 'infinity out of 10' 'I love it' are just a few of the reviews the children gave to the samples they tried. 

Red Nose Day - Comic Relief (March 2024)

Drop Everything And Dance was a huge success with children dancing along to some of their favourite pop tracks.  Lots of children entered our class joke competition which had us all chuckling the day away.  Thank you everyone for getting involved.

4I winner - Umar

4J winner - Mia


In class, we decided to host a design a red nose competition to spice up the competitive streaks in our children.  These were absolutely fantastic, their creative juices were flowing and they all enjoyed voting for their favourites as well as seeing what their friends had come up with.  It was a difficult choice with so many unique designs.

4I winner - Cohan 

4J winner - Frank

One of our winning jokes

Still image for this video

Drop everything and dance

Still image for this video

World Book Day (March 2024)

Fantastic costumes everyone, you all turned up in looking amazing!  Well done to our creative costume winners who each received a certificate and an Easter egg for their efforts.  Some of our year 4s even entered a rap battle - a huge well done to these children for being loud, brave and creative with your entries.

Reading champions! (March 2024)

This year, year 4 competed in the year 4 reading celebration at our local library in the town centre.  Every child was given a book review booklet and some suggested texts to read.  They met this challenge head on and we had some fantastic reviews come back.  Four children were then chosen to compete in a creative response task and a book quiz which entailed 8 rounds of various book related tasks including a match the author to the book and even an emoji challenge where they had to decipher the emojis to find the book title. Milby were named the winners and we are all exceptionally proud of how hard they worked.  One child even expressed how hard their brain had worked and was tired afterwards.


Well done year 4!

Creative learning (February 2024)

Year 4 just love being creative.  This term, they have used watercolour paints to produce these fabulous landscapes in the style of Claude Monet.  As you can see from their faces they are all very proud of how their own waterlily painting turned out.  Furthermore, the children have been starting their packaging unit in design technology, they have been exploring the purpose and function of a net.  Furthering their understanding of nets, they then had a go at building their own. 

Adventurous Activities in PE (February 2024)


While 4I have been enjoying their weekly swimming lesson, the children in 4J have been taking part in a variety of outdoor (often indoor due to the weather) adventurous activities.  The children have worked hard to develop their navigational skills by using keys and cardinal points on a map in order to follow certain pathways and routes accurately. They have also learnt the importance of teamwork and effective communication as useful tools for successful problem solving. 

Chinese New Year (February 2024)


We are all exceptionally proud of how well the year 4 children performed in their Chinese New Year assembly.  They each played their role with immense confidence and pride showing how hard they have worked to learn their lines, role, songs, poem and even dance.  Well done year 4!!


Now enjoy a well earned and deserved half term.

Welcome back - Happy New Year (January 2024)


The children have settled back really well into the new spring term.  Kickstarting our term with a visit from Chaplin's panto and 4I's first swimming lesson it has been all go.  In maths and science, the children have enjoyed getting practical with their learning using resources to bring their understanding to life.

Christmas crafts (December 2023)


A huge thank you to everyone who supported this year's Christmas craft afternoon.  The children all had a fantastic afternoon making a wreath, bauble and reindeer using a range of skills and medias.  


The children have also made a Christmas/winter card which will be coming home with them this week.  Another super piece of work from year 4, they have turned out fab!  It is clear to see how hard the children have each worked on this tricky design.

Design technology (December 2023)


The children in year 4 have spent this half term designing and making their very own Christmas tree decoration.  Starting off with market research to come up with a design and materials needed for their decoration, they went on to practise sewing a bookmark, outlining a template and then finally onto building their decoration up one step at a time.  They have each sewn their decorations and added the final details to create these masterpieces independently.  We are all very proud of how they turned out.  Well done year 4!

Children in Need (November 2023)

Year 4, loved participating in the bearpee challenge completing as a year group over 3000 bearpees.  The year group looked fantastic in their spots, very spotacular and we thank you for your kind donations and continued support for this worthy cause.

Soundproofing experiment (October 2023)

During science, the children have been exploring the terms volume, sound, amplitude and pitch.  This week, they have put all of their skills together to create a soundproofed room in order to allow the rockband to make as much noise as possible without disturbing their neighbours.  As a table, they worked together to build a soundproof cover for their 'room', a decibel reader was put inside their rooms to see which was the most successful.

Making Roman Roads (September 2023)


This week in the children's history lesson, they learned about the layers which formed the first ever roads - including Watling Street and Fosse Way.  They used the knowledge of rocks, pebbles, stones and even broken bits of tiles to make their very own edible Roman roads using chocolate and biscuits.  All children thoroughly enjoyed the making (and eating) process that built on from their prior knowledge on rocks last year.

Curriculum spelling list (Year 3 and 4)
