Art and design has always been held in high regard at Milby Primary School. The art and design curriculum at Milby is sequential, allowing children to build their skills and knowledge, applying them to a range of outcomes. Thus, enabling children to develop a broad and balanced understanding with a love of learning in art and design.
Our children are independent artists fuelled by creativity, curiosity and imagination. We want to inspire every child throughout the school to grow these vital skills. Art and design allows children – across abilities and all key stages to develop resilience and growth mindset so that children are confident to fail and try again.
The art and design curriculum at Milby is carefully planned and structured to ensure that current learning is linked to previous learning and that the school’s approaches are informed by current pedagogy. In line with the national curriculum 2014, the curriculum at Milby aims to equip children with the skills to invent and create their own works of art, through inspiring and challenging creative sessions. Ensuring that all children at Milby, acquire and develop relevant knowledge and skills to instil deeper understanding in art and design. To that end, we want our pupils to use the local area and diverse surroundings as inspiration, and learn from a wide variety of artworks.
We want children to be ambitious, grow up knowing their future has no limits and aspire to be illustrators, graphic designers, architects, fashion designers or whomever they choose to be by celebrating their unique characteristics. Opportunities to showcase children’s learning will be available across the school to provide children with essential cultural capital. Thus enabling children to share their creativity, how they express themselves artistically and skills learnt.
Our children are encouraged to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh benefits and limitations of different medias and develop perspective and judgement while being critical of pieces of art.
Whole school overview
Progression of skills
Progression of vocabulary
Art newsletters