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Welcome to Milby Primary School

Inspire - Learn - Succeed

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At Milby Primary School, we want our children to be equipped with the skills that they need to tackle the modern world and empower them to become lifelong learners and change makers.  We want to provide our children with the essential cultural capital needed to be educated citizens. By developing our children’s love of reading, writing, speaking and listening, we believe that this will also help children to explore their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development as well. The reading, writing and spoken language of English is key to unlocking the rest of the curriculum.  We intend to provide a broad and balanced education with a solid grounding in the basics of reading (phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) and in writing (spelling, punctuation, handwriting and sentence structure), whilst also celebrating the children’s unique characteristics, interests and love of literature.

Whole school overview - writing

Useful websites
