At Milby Primary School, our children are the future of British sport! We recognise that physical education (PE) is an integral part of our curriculum and as such we provide a safe, fun and supportive environment for our children to flourish in a wide range of physical activities and experiences which are essential in supporting their physical, emotional, spiritual, social and moral development.
The aim of our PE programme at Milby is to educate, motivate and inspire! We want to improve our children's basic knowledge, skills and vocabulary in a broad range of sporting activities. We want our children to develop and apply transferrable life skills such as tolerance, teamwork, fairness and respect. We want to engage in and to strengthen community links. We want to provide opportunities for all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sports and other physically-demanding activities. And ultimately, we want to lay the foundations so our children have a lifelong love of sport, physical activity and healthy living.