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Welcome to Milby Primary School

Inspire - Learn - Succeed

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At Milby Primary School we follow Kapow Primary’s RSE/PSHE scheme of work which covers the Relationships and Health Education statutory guidance (as set out by the Department for Education), including the non-statutory sex education. Quality PSHE and RSE teaching is an important element in helping us to carry out our duty of care with regards to safeguarding. The DfE’s statutory ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2020)’ guidance states that ‘Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety. We consider this as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum’. In response to the child-on-child abuse updates to Section 5 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, 2022), our curriculum introduces and revisits ideas of personal boundaries, consent and communicating our boundaries with others. This prepares pupils for the challenges and responsibilities they will face in the future. We want our pupils to be confident, independent, reflective and responsible members of the community who will grow to become articulate and informed citizens.  At Milby we aspire to ensure these values and skills are at the heart of everything that we do, therefore providing children with the essential cultural capital needed to be educated citizens. We want our pupils to grow and develop in a safe and nurturing environment whilst building their resilience and self-worth.  Children will contribute to school life and the wider community making them positive members of Milby Primary School.  We will ensure all children know they have the right to be safe, how to recognise emotions, manage behaviours, establish and maintain positive relationships and express themselves appropriately.  Through our RSE curriculum pupils will learn to understand their bodies and how to ask for help or support when needed.  At Milby, we will support children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development including their understanding of the British values.

Whole school overview

Progression of skills

Progression of vocabulary

PSHE newsletters

Please click here to visit the statutory information page on our website for PSHE and relationship, health and sex education. 
