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Welcome to Milby Primary School

Inspire - Learn - Succeed

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At Milby Primary School, our children are scientists!  Our intent is to give every child a broad and balanced science curriculum which enables them to confidently explore and discover what is around them, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world.  At Milby, we want our learners to acquire and develop relevant knowledge and skills so that they know more, remember more and can do more through sequenced lessons. To provide a solid grounding in the basics of science, we follow the statutory requirements of the key stage one and key stage two national curriculum for science; we do this through the use of Kapow resources.


Our science curriculum aims to create independent learners who are curious about the world we live in; individuals who are confident enough to ask questions and know how to safely search for answers.  To achieve this, we engage children in exciting, practical opportunities which aim to challenge and expand their scientific knowledge and vocabulary equipping and empowering them to become lifelong learners and change makers.


Science participation at Milby, encourages positive relationships where children challenge each other and build resilience.  Science creates wonderful opportunities where children can work together, laying the foundations for positive relationships during engaging experiments and investigate including what this means as the consequences of actions, supporting them to identify and manage risks and how to ask for help when it is needed.  It also provides children with the essential cultural capital needed to be educated citizens.


Fostering positive learning behaviours such as communication and collaboration are vital in encouraging our pupils to access higher-level thinking skills and are therefore given opportunities to explain, reason and justify their conclusions within lessons.
